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Hatcher Cole FOP Lodge No.38
Hatcher Cole FOP Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 1054, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Hatcher Cole FOP Lodge No.38 does not affiliate with any political group or endorse any political candidates. We are here solely to support our law enforcement officers, their families and our community.
Only use the online payment option if you are an active member paying your annual dues.
New applicants please submit your check with your application.
Hatcher Cole annual dues are $40.00 and due starting January 1st. of every year.
*You now have two ways to pay.
If you decide to pay online your dues payment will be $41.50

If you decide to pay by check, make your $40.00 check out to: HCFOP38
send your dues payment to:
P.O. Box 1054
Mechanicsville, Va. 23116
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